Privacy policy - 3rd party apps
To help us run Timetastic we use some 3rd party apps and services. Things like email providers, customer service software, cloud hosting providers. Obviously this means sharing some personal data with these services - so we establish GDPR compliant processing agreements with each one and check there are appropriate safeguards in place.
The following is a list of sub-processors we use and what we use them for:
Peaberry Software Inc.
We use for sending emails. To do this stores user names, email addresses and analytical data on their usage of Timetastic. We use this data to make sure we only send emails that are relevant to your use of Timetastic.
The types of data shared are: Identity, Contact, Technical, Profile, Usage.
All the data is stored in the EU.
Basis of transfer is the UK-EU adequacy agreement.
Zendesk Inc.
Our customer support system is provided by Zendesk. When send in a support request your email addresses will appear in Zendesk along with the discussion between us.
The types of data shared are: Identity, Contact, Technical, Profile, Usage.
Data is stored in the USA.
Basic of transfer is a Data Processing Agreement that includes the EU Standard Contractual Clauses.
Sendgrid Inc.
All the transactional emails from Timetastic are sent out through Sendgrid Inc. That means sharing email addresses and email content.
The types of data shared are: Identity & Contact.
Data is stored in the USA.
Basis of transfer is a Data Processing Agreement that includes the International Data Transfer Addendum to the EU Standard Contractual Clauses.
Cloudflare Inc.
We use Cloudflare to deliver content globally, manage web traffic and as part of our web security setup. All information contained in web traffic to and from Timetastic goes through Cloudflare’s systems, but they don't have access to this information.
The types of data shared are: Technical - IP address and device information.
Data is stored worldwide.
Basis of transfer is the EU Commission Standard Contractual Clauses and UK transfer addendum.
Microsoft Inc.
We use Microsoft Azure to host and provide you with Timetastic (they are our cloud hosting provider).
The types of data shared are: Identity, Contact, Technical, Profile, Usage, Location.
Data is stored in the UK.