Works for you and your team

Timetastic is more than just a streamlined way to book time off work - it’s a better way of getting to grips with staff absence.

Companies that switch to Timetastic become more transparent, they plan better, work better, and value their team - you’ll see a happier and more productive workforce.

It’s a big step forward, but simple to take.

Give Timetastic a try
Tablet wallchart
Mobile booking
Mobile calendar

See Timetastic in action

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Instead of messy paperwork, you get:

Calendar months
Calendar months
Leave summary
Your time off

Individual calendars

Every member of staff gets a personal calendar and summary. You can see and track time off, make plans for this year or next.

It’s easy to see holidays you've taken, what’s upcoming, and how much allowance you have left for the year.

Using the calendar integrations you can sync Timetastic directly into a calendar of your choice; Outlook, Gmail and Apple are all supported.

App & email notifications

Rather than shuffling bits of paper around the office and digging through desk drawers for a holiday request form, you open Timetastic, click the dates you want off and the request is sent direct to your manager. All they have to do is click approve or decline in the email.

Request notification
Approval notification
Request notification
Approval notification

A live wallchart,
with bells and whistles

The first thing you’ll see in Timetastic is your new interactive wallchart. At a glance you can see who’s in and who’s not. Click to request time off, use it to plan ahead, make sure busy periods are covered and avoid any clashes.

Your teamBook time off
Pending request

A full set of features, so you can manage time off properly


Group your staff into departments, allocate one boss to manage the whole team, set minimum staffing levels and see clashes before approving requests for time off.

Manage different teams

Leave types

Handle any type of absence - annual leave, sickness, maternity and paternity, unpaid leave, compassionate and meetings.

  • Annual Leave
  • Sickness
  • Maternity/Paternity
  • Sabbatical
  • Doctors Appointment
  • Seasonal Shutdown
  • Compassionate
  • Away Day
  • Training

Public holidays

Public holidays from over 3,000 regions are supported in Timetastic. From UK to the USA, Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, we've got you covered.

Public holidays from 250 countries

Work schedules

Each employee has a work schedule split into two sessions to account for a lunch break. Their working week is reflected on the team calendars so you can see who should be working and when.

Work schedules

See how easy it is

Accountants, garages, marketing agencies, lawyers, engineers - over 7,000 businesses just like yours manage their team’s absence with Timetastic.

Give it a try now

Timetastic works with your other apps

Timetastic integrates with: Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, G Suite, Apple Calendar, and Slack.